Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Halloween, Floccinaucinihilipilification, and the Big Bang!

No! There's absolutely nothing in common between Halloween, floccinaucinihilipilification, and the Big Bang. It's Halloween today (the post was written on Halloween a few many years back)! Therefore, "the Halloween" and well I definitely do not intend to spend the next few precious minutes writing about the significance of the insignificant meaning of the longest word in the English dictionary! I meant to use it merely to describe my current state of mind, "The state of nothingness" and as I wrote, I realized, "valueless" has nothing to do with "nothingness". Perhaps a "black hole" is closer to the definition. Yes! 'A black hole' - an infinite mass of "nothing". A space scientist might sue me for using the word "nothing"! but for the sake of preserving my sanity, I would like to assume that it is indeed "nothing".

Isn't it sometimes just easier to overlook the details and realities of the complexities of life? No! I am not telling be an ostrich and duck your head down into the sand. It's just a thought! isn't it possible to understand the Big Bang theory without losing your head? Just overlook a few atoms and protons and it's much simpler.

I think about the man who created the word "floccinaucinihilipilification" Why did he? How worthless can anything be that one has to use the meaning of "trifle" four times to describe it! The trifle cannot be trifler than as trifle as it is!! The easiest would have been to call it just trifle! A 29-letter word can do no better.

Perhaps more sensible was the man who started Halloween because of the abundant harvest of "Pumpkins"(as I like to think it is!). Of course, the other reason was that pumpkins made the best jack-o-lanterns and that Halloween had something to do with souls and saints but details apart it made things much easier to think that someone was creative enough to start a festival because he didn't know what he should do with all the pumpkins he grew!!

Well! The moral of the blog? "Black holes, Floccinaucinihilipilification, and Pumpkins have nothing in common. They are mere examples of things that seem "nothing" but have a deeper reason to be, of things that seem "bigger" but have no reason to be, of things that are nice to have though "insensible" and have no rhyme or reason to be:)

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