Sunday, April 23, 2017

More Indian Than I Thought

My first international trip happened a couple decades back. I was fresh out of college, a novice teen with big dreams and a lot of curiosity to see 'The World' - A world that was defined by the many books I had read all through my growing years and of course the many English movies. Though thrilled at the prospect of finally being able to explore and experience the pages of those books and movies in real, stepping out of a sheltered life into a big wide world of the unknown presented some apprehensions.

My parents had come to see me off at the airport. The hardest part was bidding farewell to a crying mother. After a long hug and promises to write long detailed letters, I headed towards the journey forward. When the announcement for the boarding knocked into my ears, the feeling finally sunk in, I was 'REALLY' leaving. Leaving the country I knew so well. Leaving my home. Leaving my people. Leaving my family. Leaving my friends. Leaving everything that I loved and cared for.

With moistened eyes, I walked solemnly towards the aircraft, trying hard to control my lachrymal glands, trickling tears anyway, against my wishes :((

At the entrance gate, an Italian flight attendant smiled and welcomed me with a warm "Namaste".  I reverted with a namaste.

Having noticed my sad face, she asked, “Going out for the first time?”

I nodded silently. I wasn’t in a mood to converse.

She said, “Don’t worry! You won't be too far from home." In her broken Hindi, she continued “Gar idar bi hai.” (There’s a home here as well)

Instantly my face brightened. I laughed.

“You know Hindi”

“ Mai koshish kar rahi hai" (I am trying)

“Bohut Achcha (very good) That’s so very sweet of you”

I already felt comfortable. Perhaps the world outside won’t be as scary as I imagined it could be.  Maybe I can find a home there as well.

The air hostess asked me, “So, you live in Bombay?” (since I had boarded from Bombay)

I replied, “ No, I am coming from Delhi”

“Ah!!! You are traveling to Milan?”

“ No!! to the US for higher studies. Milan is a transit"

“ So you got your Visa from the Delhi consulate?”

“Actually No, I went to the Chennai consulate to get my visa stamped”

“Were you studying in Chennai?”

“No, I studied in Hyderabad”

“Oh, so you got your passport work done from Hyderabad”

“No,  I got my passport made from Bhopal”

“Oh!!! Is that where you are from?”

“No, my father works in MP, I am a Bengali”

“Oh! So I guess you were born in Kolkata”

“No, I was born in Assam”

“My dear you are more Indian than I thought"

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